Friday, April 19, 2019


Thought I'd take a stab at poetry before I turn 22.


You are my friend,
who rules as a queen should—

You who provides strict rules you decree for others
and hold up for yourself.
This providence builds your kingdom.
A friendship with you is a sought-after association with royalty.

Even though we don't see eye to eye,
I still believe in foresight,
though I creep in the shadows,
I remain within,
searching for a clearing.

You are familiar with me
though only within shades of grey,
blurred between roses and those castle walls.

I am your fuzzy friend,
whom you love as your favorite feline,
but whom you come to despise for my faculty of freedom
to abide or to turn away,
conscientious or unconscious,
fated or destined

I am your subject
whom you subject to expectations.
You are my subject,
to whom I hold as a subject of fascination.
We are our subject,
who we are about, acting on other objects.
They are our subjects,
thrown under your citadel

To be your friend, I slip out of the dark
into your light
Chasing you but chasing my tail,
Trying to escape this hermeneutic circle

You are my friend, but always are the monarch,
always hiding between your majestic law
But always residing in its fixed architecture.

I hope to one day unearth my structural foundations,
so firmly grounded in soil so impotent,
and be a friend beyond those measured with a grain of salt
whose friendship is the exception that affirms the rule in plenitude.

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