Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Pros and Cons of being Heideggerian

  1. Having a more enriched notion of Being (pro)
  2. Know the difference between "being" and "beings" (pro)
  3. Saying you’re Heideggarian is uncool (con)
  4. Having to use a new form of vocabulary/language to speak about things which regular language tends to misrepresent (con)
  5. Having to defend the relevance of Heideggerian thought despite Heidegger being a Nazi (con)
  6. Having a good argument against Descartes (pro)
  7. Being able to say the metaphysics project failed and know what you’re talking about (pro)– get effectively get that two-way nod with those Wittgensteinians.
  8. Have a stronger notion of theology than most religious people if desired (pro)
  9. Heideggerians may not know formal logic/ the continental problem (con)
  10. Have a better grasp of the history of philosophy than most Analytic philosophers (pro)
  11. Knowing pre-Greek terms that you can show off to Greek students (pro)
  12. Automatically become an etymologist (pro)
  13. Your dogma is to doubt the dogma (pro)
  14. Being dogmatic is hard when other philosophers don’t grasp Heidegger well (con, arguably pro because humbling)
  15. Not having a philosophy for ethics, having to outsource, and not really find anything (con)
  16. Having to explain to people you’re not an existentialist (con)
  17. Have most of your ideas be associated with existentialism (con)
  18. Most of the time the only thing people know about Heidegger are Authenticity/inauthenticity and know the word Dasein but not what it becomes to mean over time (con)
  19. Be confused when people say Heidegger doesn’t make any sense (con)
  20. Have your philosophy accept science (pro)
  21. Having to work on philosophy without using the word consciousness (con)
  22. Having to read Merleau-Ponty if wanting to extend ideas about being to perception and corporeality (con)
  23. Having to study Husserl in order to truly grasp Heidegger (con)
  24. Other Heideggarians shit on you if you don’t know German (con)
  25. Typing Greek is as difficult as it sounds (con)
  26. Be able to interact your philosophy with many different departments from different countries (other than USA) (pro)
  27. Potentially fall into postmodernism (con)

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